Times a-Changin' - April 7th, 2024

Hi. I am not the most aware person sometimes, but I want to be. I often dream of being someone or something I am not.

Here is a run-down of what has happened in the last 8-ish months.

Leadership at SVT Decided to Move On

I am grateful for the experiences at SVT. I am thankful for the humans I met there. I shared this moment on LinkedIn

I Started The BCubed Project

More to come. I may update with links here and here after I get the delivery infrastructure up and up

... lots to do ...

Ugh but if only I could perfect the art of time management.

It is Rare for a Good Thing to Last

In January I started a new job for a hip Engineering Firm and in March they let me go. Not Much Has Changed.

What's Next

More updates to this site. Updates to BCubed. Gardening and entering new pastures for my family and I to graze on. All in the pursuit to being a real boy. My family is ok. I am ok. Friends are ok.

I am going to re-attempt a blogging goal: Once a week. Release on Monday.